Rehmatullah Kakar’s Updates

Week 1 Assignment (Module A2)

Week 1 Community Assignment

List items currently missing from the questionnaire that are needed to achieve the stated survey objectives.

Following items are missing from the questionnaire:

Sex of child
Parents education
Geography (urban/rural)

List questionnaire items currently unrelated to achieving the stated survey objectives.

Some questions are considering diseases (RI 118 to RI 126) some questions are considering mobility (RI 136 to RI 140),
Yellow fever and Rota questions are also irrelevant

Recommend how to improve the alignment between questionnaire and the stated survey objectives.

Indicators should be formulated and linked to objectives

What steps would you take to ensure that interviewers ask the questions in the same standardized manner?

Proper training
Translation of questionnaire into local language
Supportive supervision
Feedback to workers

What factors may contribute to ascertainment bias in this survey?

Improperly designed and translated questionnaire
Poor quality training
Ineffective piloting
Lack of monitoring and supervision