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Is bullying always a bad thing?

There is no doubt that bullying is happening all around the world. It is a fact that all of the schools are prone to bullying, regardless of their status or system. Bullying is happening at every level and every situation. The culture of a school plays an important in identifying, preventing, or changing it into something positive. Bullying is destructive and it can ruin students lives. But everything that happens between students is not considered bullying, let us first understand what bullying is?

The following clip describes bullying in simple words.

Media embedded February 6, 2019

When I was a kid, I did not know what bullying was, all I knew was, that I had to go to school, learn something and obey teachers or parents. I still remember, when I was in third grade, had a classmate, whose family was very poor. He was an average student and hard working. The only problem he had was in relation to his economic issue. His clothes were not neat or clean, or cool. He did not have good notebooks or colorful pens or pencils, and his backpack was only a plastic bag. His social status had exposed him to bullying. He was almost daily subjected to bullying by a group of three, who were also students in our class. Bullying of this person was something normal for all of us when this poor student was being bulled the rest of us was watching him and cheering the bully. This poor guy finally quit our school and went to another, but bullying was not stopped, soon those three kinds found another one and started bullying him.

I fully support the point, that if bullying was not stopped it will continue, but what if we try to stop the bullying will it stop, and the answer is no. According to the “ If we continue to react to bullying behaviors rather than taking a proactive approach, bullying will continue. If we re-work our thinking and find a way to turn bullying behaviors around, we stand a chance of eradicating or, at the very least, significantly reducing bullying behaviors in our schools.” (Byrne, para 1,

For how to control bullying in an effective way please watch the following clip.

Media embedded February 6, 2019

In this clip, you watched one of the effective ways of stopping a bully, but one type of response does not work in all situations. Each situation is unique, and you have to find the best solution or response that fits.

There is no doubt that bullying is something bad, that might break people emotionally, but there were times that bullying has worked as transformational learning, but only for some. I have seen people, that others negative words or actions have made them capable of fighting against and becoming even more powerful. “It is considered one of the most stressful experiences of childhood. But standing up to bullies and classroom enemies can help children develop, psychologists claim a study has shown that youngsters are more popular and more admired by teachers and friends if they return schoolyard hostility in kind.” ( para 1,


Is bullying always a bad thing?
