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Does your DNA determine your destiny?

There has been lots of research recently regarding how our DNA/ gene make-up contributes to 30-40% of who we are. There are two schools of thought regarding this theories and how it realtes to education. This new science is called educational genomics. 

The first discusses the idea that environmental stimulants help to "switch on" and "switch off" the expression of genes. This is particularly important within education. As teachers, we have a greater impact on learning and development than we may have previously believed. How we interact and engage students in the learning can alter their "destiny" and manipulate the original gene foundation. 

Other research points out that the more understand the genetic makeup of students, the more educators can structure content to support that individual strengths and weaknesses of students. For instance, the genetic makeup of students can predict whether a students is gifted in art or reading. This information can be used to help foster those areas. 

Although this is all very interesting, there is some resistance in my thinking regarding educational genomics. Although, I believe this can be a useful tool in structuring delivery of content to ceratin types of learners...I also feel that this information can be used in other ways to manipulate and not nurture what a student may want to try or explore? Just a thought. Another thought I had was in regards to tracking. Which is also a very controversial subject. Could this research and lead us down the path of tracking students? And is that good or bad?