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Week 1 Data Analysist track assignment Module A 3

Week 1analysis track assignment

I am really interested to do data analysis,

I choose SPSS software and Excel tools for data analysis.Data analysis done for Data entered #27 single challenge

1. What checks you performed, what tools use?

I have checked data completeness, missing values in data set, data entered unlikely or dataset seems implausible

For Data cleaning I used

A/ Simple frequency

C/ Tabulation

D/ used Graphs to identify outliers higher or lower values

2. List of survey responses that need to have the paper from checked

 identified unlikely or impuasable values that entered in data base wrongly

The output of data analysis is described below

Data analysis for missed or unlikely values

From the given entered data ,correctly entered data listed bellow

  • Stratum name
  • Cluster name
  • Interviewer ID
  • Interviwer name
  • Supervisor name
  • Supervisor ID
  • Starte date of interview
  • HH ID number
  • Individual number
  • Individual number of person being surveyed(From HM)
  • Individual number of primary care given (from HM)
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Name of child
  • Name of childs father
  • Name of childs mother
  • This and others data entered correctly
  • But some data are entered accidentaly or unknowngly
  • Most data has missing values and high or lower outliers.For detail descreption, may find in the excell sheet and SPSS out put sheet
  • Data cleaning sheet
    SPSS data cleaning out put sheet