Activity Stream

  • Randie Bricker

    Randie Bricker posted a new update…


    Attention deficit disorder is always a hot topic among educators. The science behind what is appropriate in helping students with this label is constantly changing. Updates to medications, diagnosis, heredity seem to change everyday including the re...More

  • Randie Bricker

    Randie Bricker has one new peer:

  • Aiyu (Iris) Zhang

    Aiyu (Iris) Zhang joined two communities:

    Added on July 12, 2016

  • Aiyu (Iris) Zhang

    Aiyu (Iris) Zhang joined one community:

    Added on July 12, 2016

  • Randie Bricker

    Randie Bricker posted a new update…

    More on testing

    Rather than IQ testing, I think we need to address other types of testing in the classroom. I am always concerned about the appropriateness of testing students, especially the youngest students. I don't believe putting the youngest students through...More

  • Randie Bricker

    Randie Bricker posted a new update…

    IQ tests

    [Randie Bricker]

    I believe that nature and nurture play a role in a person's abilities, but I think nature plays a bigger role. I think one of the biggest inequities we see in schools has to do with students who don't come to school with as much "n...More

  • RandieBricker

    RandieBricker starred an update by RandieBricker

    Rewards and Punishment

    Starred at July 08, 2016

  • Randie Bricker

    Randie Bricker posted a new update…

    Rewards and Punishment

    Skinner's views on reward and punishment always leaving me thinking about classroom motivators. Most of the teachers in my school use some sort of class motivator in which the entire class earns a reward for appropriate behavior. I am the standout w...More

  • RandieBricker

    RandieBricker starred an update by RandieBricker


    Starred at July 08, 2016

  • Randie Bricker

    Randie Bricker posted a new update…


    Being an early educator, Piaget's theories play an important role in my beliefs on education. I agree that children follow through Piaget's developmental stages. Young children make meaning through play and interactions with the environment. Piaget...More

  • Randie Bricker

    Randie Bricker two new peers:

  • Aiyu (Iris) Zhang

    Aiyu (Iris) Zhang edited their profile information.

    Edited on June 29, 2016

  • Randie Bricker

    Randie Bricker edited their profile information.

    Edited on June 28, 2016

  • Aiyu (Iris) Zhang

    Aiyu (Iris) Zhang joined one community:

    Added on June 27, 2016

  • Aiyu (Iris) Zhang

    Aiyu (Iris) Zhang changed their profile image.

    Changed at June 27, 2016