Ken Jones’s Updates

Update 5: VoiceThread

Media embedded February 24, 2018

For a class project, my son had to develop a presentation by which they had to present a lecture style topic that was assigned to them by their teacher. The application that they used was Voicethread. 

VoiceThread is a web-based application that engages the user to incorporate some collections of media like images, videos, documents, and presentations at the center of an asynchronous conversation. A VoiceThread allows everyone the opportunity to have conversations and to make comments using any mix of text, a microphone, a webcam, a telephone, or uploaded the audio file. 

What is highly efficient about this program is that the only requirement is that you have an up-to-date version of Adobe Flash. To go into a little more detail, when the user is in the creating stage, he or she can upload, share and discuss documents, presentations, images, audio files, and videos. Over 50 different types of media can use in a VoiceThread.

When the user wants to add comments to the VoiceThread slides presentation, he or she uses one of five powerful commenting options: phone, audio-file, microphone, webcam, or text message. 

The privacy settings are in place for users to keep their VoiceThread conversations private. They have the capabilities to share with a person or a specific group of people. The user also has the option to open it up to as many people they desire. In the classrooms and at home, VoiceThread can incorporate into LTI which allows VoiceThread to integrate into most major Learning Management Systems, including but not limited to Blackboard, Sakai, Canvas, Desire2Learn, BrainHoney, and Moodle.

  • Anna Shetty