Ashish Krishna’s Updates

WEEK 1 Assignment

1. List items currently missing from the questionnaire that are needed to achieve the stated survey objectives.

  • Assessment of parents knowledge/perception for vaccination- also education of parents could be added.
  • Any mobiliser ever informed about vaccination session organization
  • Any medications or information given to manage side effects of vaccine
  • Do you know whom to contact if child has side reaction
  • “Place of delivery of child” because-Hep B (zero dose)& BCG mainly given in institutional delivery.


2. List questionnaire items currently unrelated to achieving the stated survey objectives.

  • R 16 should not be included in all questionares and should be limited to migratory families
  • R I 105 is investigating about health seeking behavior which is not so significant in current scenario

3. Recommend how to improve the alignment between questionnaire and the stated survey objectives.

  • Do a pilot study to adopt questionnaires in local level
  • Avoid leading questions
  • Develop SOPs for questionaries’ and train interviewer properly

4. What steps would you take to ensure that interviewers ask the questions in the same standardized manner?

Training, adding checks in on line surveys, supportive supervision in field,questionaaires translated in local language, don’t hire govt employess, avoid medical jargons

5. What factors may contribute to ascertainment bias in this survey?

  • Government or local hiring of interviewers
  • Poor trainings and poor supervision
  • Irrational distribution of workload