About Andrew Magri


  • I have completed my Alevels in Pure Mathematics and Computing at St. Aloysius College and now I am enrolled in the course B.Sc. I.T. (Hons.) in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Malta. I am currently in the second year.


  • Ascent Software
    • Student Programmer
    • Mosaic
    • July 2019 to September 2019


  • University of Malta
    • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (Honours) (Artificial Intelligence)
    • October 2018 to Present

  • St. Aloysius College
    • MATSEC Certificate
    • September 2016 to May 2018

    Pure Mathematics and Computer Studies as A'levels. English, Psychology, Physics and Systems of Knowledge as Intermediates.

  • Stella Maris College
    • SEC Certificate
    • September 2006 to March 2016

    Primary and Secondary School
