James Johnson’s Updates

Methods of Teaching Adults and Employee Training are Changing

Methods of Teaching Adults and Employee Training are Changing!

In another course I studied some trends in workforce Development that are occurring and the changes in HR training that were occurring before and after the pandemic. One example is the integration of informal learning tactics into the workplace. Until recently many workplace trainings were focused on maximizing efficiency according to the literature. I enjoyed the articles posted that described this trend as well as others that human resource managers are taking in order to appeal to a workforce that has changing values. Some of the values that I recall are a desire to move and be more creative. Additionally, employees seem to place less emphasis on work as well as less loyalty to any one company. These are trends business managers would be wise to take note of.

The modern worker does not care as much about workplace loyalty and wants to be able to move to locations easier. They also work remotely so HR needs to be concerned about different issues than conflicts with other workers. Last, training these employees can be done using ubiqitous learning, outting ownership for developing needed skills right onto thd employee, using less company time to create a skilled employee.




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