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MyON the personalized literacy environment with learning analytics

MyON reader is a personalized literacy environment that engages students at all reading levels by providing the largest integrated library of digital books. A digitally enhanced literacy and reporting platform for K-8 students. A flexible e-reader features offline reading and solid audio for those learning English as a second language. You can use myON to help promote interest-driven, authentic reading experiences for all students. The platform is best used with attentive guidance, frequent interaction, and plenty of context from teachers and parents. Key choices are key, so teachers should do their best to ensure that learners have as much as possible available to them. Creating and assigning a Lexile Benchmark or giving new learners a placement test helps place them in the reading level using leveled books. Select a book list for a class that features a wide range of subjects and genres; teachers will want to appeal to as many students' interests and ability levels as possible.

Throughout a school year, teachers can track the books their students read along with their reading levels. Benchmark their milestones (at the end of each grading period, monthly, etc.), and coordinate some activities to celebrate learners' reading and achievements. Always remember to help your learners love reading for reading's sake! Here is a video to share how to create and assign a Lexile Benchmark using myON. Check out “Projects #5: Lexile Tasks 3.4” from myON Fanclub on Vimeo.

Amazon reviews showing parents feedback after purchase.

Amazon reviews retrieved from:

Some of the benefits include built-in audio features which offer great reading support, with tons of nonfiction texts available, progress monitoring, and a nice feature for offline reading. Some of the drawbacks are that some quiz questions are very simple, and the reading experience can feel passive, even with the annotation tool. The bottom line is that it is a good tool for giving young learners access to a wide range of books, though it is best used with teacher (and parent) guidance to promote a more active reading experience.

myON Parent Reference Guide


Kievlan, P. (2020, August 25). Myon review for teachers. Retrieved March 01, 2021, from

Myon - product reviews. (n.d.). Retrieved March 01, 2021, from

MyON (n.d.). Retrieved March 01, 2021, from