Delaney Wharton’s Updates

Update 3 - Quantum Learning and Active Learning

While I have not seen it in action, I have heard about school districts that are contemplating the implementation of Quantum Learning programs at their schools. It seems like a unique program because it takes what resesarch knows about the brain and combines it in a way to create active learning experiences in K-12 settings. 

It is tied to the "8 Keys", which is a character development program. The 8 Keys are integrity, failure leads to success, speak with good purpose, this is it, committment, ownership, flexibility, and balance. Quantum offers four different workshops where students engage in active learning opportunities that are connected to the 8 Keys. Because it is tied to brain research, it is supposed to yield a positive culture change of thinking and learning within your school. Ultimately, Quantum claims that students will take ownership of their learning, pursue goals, and be prepared for the future. It claims to be research-based, but I do not know if any research has been done that indicates its true effectiveness.

Have any of you tried implementing Quantum Learning workshops at your school? What are your thoughts on it.