Jill Lager’s Updates

Update 6/7: Affordances of Xtra Math

One website that I tend to use every single year is XtraMath. Xtra Math is a free website where students practice their facts in Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. They take a benchmark test (RECURSIVE FEEDBACK) and from there, it places them where they should be. (DIFFERENTIATED).

It does have MULTIMODAL LEARNING, in that it has text and an image of a teacher that you are trying to race to the correct answer. It is also UBIQUITOUS, in that you can do this anywhere you have internet access and a computer present!

I set this up every single year for my students and they have a blast with racing the teacher. I do not give timed fact tests to my students, as I have found it to be stressful and doesn't give a true representation to what everyone knows and where everyone is truly at.

Below is a video of what Xtra Math is all about:

Media embedded November 29, 2017
Media embedded November 29, 2017