Jill Lager’s Updates

Update 7: Google Docs to Collaborate in Writing (an example from my classroom)

Media embedded October 15, 2017

I wanted to start with a video on how to log into google and start a Google Doc for anyone who is not familiar with using this.  It then goes into how to collaborate on a document.  I am a huge user of GSuite apps and Google Drive in my classroom.  I love all that it has to off my students and provides an engaging learning experience.  

In a recent writing unit, my students published their Personal Narratives using Google Docs.  I assigned them to attach their piece of Google Classroom for me to keep track of where they are and print out for our Writers Celebration.  

Before publishing, students share with one another, using the view only tab and chat with one another to make suggestions on what they need to edit or questions they have about parts of the story.  Below is a picture of an example where two of my students were using this tool to help one another before publishing.  

Picture of Writing Collaboration using Chat in GoogleDrive

Not only do I use this in my classroom, but have used it over the summer to collaborate with a group of peers in my EDU415 class on a project that we worked on each week.  We used Google Slides to make a slideshow and commented and chatted with one another, as we were all in different parts of the world, trying to work on one piece.  

One of the biggest perks, in my opinion, is that it autosaves what you have been working on...my students never have to worry about losing any work if something crashes, because it is always being saved!

Do you collab with Google Drive applications?