Jill Lager’s Updates

Update 6: RECAP to assess

One of my favorite ways to assess informally is to use the website, RECAP!

I ask questions weekly from any lesson taught and have studetns respond using RECAP. They LOVE recording themselves and watching to see if their video with be played in the daily "reel". I have noticed that some of my students that want to explain themselves use their whiteboards in their video to show a math problem, or even give an example of their learning. They can shoot their video over and over if they need to (which can become a prolonged response of playing with some, but it is easy to set limits).

Some features I love is that they can assess with a thumbs up or down to the question asked, you can limit the time for their response, and you can ask any question you like. They log in with a class code, much like Google Classroom. In my Learning Module, I use Recap for students to answer weekly questions, to use as an assessment. 

At the end of the day, Recap makes a "reel", or video, with just a few responses from the class. The kids look forward to see themeselves and others talk and to learn about what they said. 

I haven't dove into where they respond to one another yet, as I just started using Recap last year as an extra tool. I am excited to take it a step further this year and see all of the options it allows. 

The video below introduces Recap:

Media embedded October 15, 2017

To find out more information or to sign up, go to :https://letsrecap.com/

A testimonial from a Science teacher who used Recap: https://letsrecap.com/2017/06/20/science-teacher-uses-question-tool/

  • Jill Lager
  • Valeria Carrillo