Sari Mutia Timur’s Updates

My hope

Learning about remote partnering is interesting. For me it's not new but it's still a challenge. Since the tsunami in Aceh, Indonesia in 2004 I work in Humanitarian field. I work in NGOs in Indonesia which has mandate in emergency response.
Actually since 2000, I started exposed by humanitarian work, but mostly related to patients.
While in Aceh, I began to meet many people and many parties and had to partner not only with donors, but also other parties such as government, academia, private sector, other NGOs and communities as well.
Humanitarian work, especially in Indonesia, it cannot be done alone. There must be partnerships with many parties because of the geographical conditions since Indonesia has many islands and many areas that have high levels of vulnerability.
I hope that by learning remote partnering, I can learn and have a new and innovative insight to encourage mutually beneficial and sustainable partnerships because as a humanitarian NGO, we have to keep in touch with our community and partners, not only during disaster to make sure the community ready to deal with disaster.