Theresa Stirlacci’s Updates

Assignment 10

Laws are usually put into effect for the good of the people.  As far as new technologies that do not currently have laws, I think it is the duty of the creator to first and foremost educate the people of the new technology’s purpose, as well as what he or she ultimately intends the users to get out of the experience. It is definitely a tricky topic; because information technology is so easily accessible by the public upon its release, the developer is therefore taking on a huge risk.  Although regulation should be an important aspect, it is not always put into effect because it is extremely difficult to figure out how to do so both effectively and ethically. Take, for example, peer-to-peer sharing websites and programs.  Although they are completely legal sites intended for transferring files from one computer to another, people have absolutely taken advantage of them by sharing music and movies, violating copyright laws that have always existed.  However, because no laws for the actualprograms are set into place, people may feel that their rights are being violated, if suddenly new laws are imposed in order to control a situation like this one. A solution I have observed comes from an online marketplace for videogames called Steam. This program allows users to download files for their games, but they cannot access it unless they are connected to the internet, and Steam has the power to verify the file's validity.  I think this is a creative process that can help and inspire others to take the steps to regulate their own technology.

  • Kenneth Rauen