Stephanie Aarons’s Updates

Update 1: Music Videos

Music itself is a language. There is always a meaning behind the lyrics of a song or compositional piece. The world of music changed when MTV launched their first music video on Saturday, August 1, 1981, with the phrase, “Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll,”and the first music video played on MTV was “Video Killed the Radio Star” by The Bugles. Since the very beginning, MTV was designed as a platform for music videos. Since then, it was stated that "MTV was the spearhead of youth and music culture." If you would like to learn more about the history of MTV, a link has been provided:

As defined, "a music video is a short film that integrates a song with imagery, and is produced for promotional or artistic purposes." Today, modern music videos are primarily made and used as a marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings. Music videos use a wide range of styles and contemporary video-making techniques, including animation, live action, documentary, and non-narrative approaches such as abstract film. However, some music videos combine different styles with the music, such as animation and live action. Combining these styles and techniques has become more popular because of the variety for the audience. Many music videos interpret images and scenes from the song's lyrics, while others may take a more thematic approach. Some music videos may also not have any concept, being merely a filmed version of the song's live concert performance. Which every approach that is used, know that there is always a meaning behind a music video. 

I teach a 9-12 grade high school Music Appreciation class. In my class we analyze a wide variety of music styles and genres. It really helps my students to understand the music better when I play the music video to the song that we are listening to. They are able to understand what the song is about and what is being communicated. Sometimes we will watch music videos that are not a professional version and someone has made. These homemade music videos may include images or animations that will enhance what is being communicated in the music. 

Music videos are also really easy to make. Making music videos does not have to be a complex process. They may include simple choreographed films or animations. Communication of meaning is essential through a literacy perspective. Thoughtfully selected action, visual and sound elements working together to construct the message is the key to a successful music video composition. The complicated part is that it does take time, effort and creativity to make a good music video. If a music video is not conveying the message of the song well then it would be pointless and unentertaining to watch it. 

Interested in learning how to make a music video? A great tutorial has been provided!

Media embedded May 18, 2019