Steve Ross’s Updates

Law of Effect and PBIS

Within schools a rising trend has been the use of PBIS, Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports. This trend seems to have pulled its roots from Skinner's Law of Effect, which states that an action that produces a satisfying result will tend to repeat itself and an action that produces a dissatisfying result will be more likely to not occur again, otherwise known as operant conditioning.

PBIS has based its model within this approach when working with students that struggle behaviorally. These students are selected and put into various "Tiers" based upon the amount of support that needs to be given. If students meet goals that are based upon behavior then they get something they were wanting, whether it be a candy bar, extended free time, special lunch, etc. This system allows for students to get positive reinforcement for their good actions. If students don't meet their goals for the given period of time, they do not get the reward. 

The attached video outlines PBIS within schools and the connections to the Law of Effect and operant conditioning are easily seen within their schools strategies and use of the system. 

The article below also outlines how much of an impact reinforcing positive behaviors has within the PBIS system and seen again to how it relates to operant conditioning.