Activity Stream

  • SheniezaSingh

    SheniezaSingh starred an update by SheniezaSingh

    learning teaching and learning mooc

    Starred at November 03, 2020

  • Shenieza Singh

    Shenieza Singh posted a new update…

    learning teaching and learning mooc

    "In the 21 century small language are being forgotten, as the population increases. In the schools the curriculum caters for literate english. That it self need to be revised, teachers should be trained in different languages in his or her country a...More

  • Monesha Benny

    Monesha Benny has one new peer:

  • Shenieza Singh

    Shenieza Singh added the interest reading and writing.

    Added on November 03, 2020

  • Monesha Benny

    Monesha Benny added one new item to shares:

  • Shenieza Singh

    Shenieza Singh joined one community:

    Added on November 02, 2020

  • Monesha Benny

    Monesha Benny joined one community:

    Added on November 01, 2020

  • Monesha Benny

    Monesha Benny added the interest English.

    Added on October 29, 2020

  • Juan Carlos Pastor Vicedo

    Juan Carlos Pastor Vicedo added interests Physical Fitness, Active Breaks and Executive Functions, Physical Education and Cognition and more.

    Added on June 23, 2020

  • Juan Carlos Pastor Vicedo

    Juan Carlos Pastor Vicedo joined one community:

    Added on February 29, 2020

  • Juan Carlos Pastor Vicedo

    Juan Carlos Pastor Vicedo edited their profile information.

    Edited on February 29, 2020

  • Juan Carlos Pastor Vicedo

    Juan Carlos Pastor Vicedo joined one community:

    Added on February 29, 2020

  • Juan Carlos Pastor Vicedo

    Juan Carlos Pastor Vicedo joined two communities:

    Added on February 29, 2020

  • Juan Carlos Pastor Vicedo

    Juan Carlos Pastor Vicedo joined one community:

    Added on February 29, 2020