Nicole Tantillo’s Updates

Update 6 - Rick Rubin & Collective Intelligence

Collective intelligence is a mystery and artform as much as any other artform. It is understood that an electric collection of intelligence cannot simply be orchestrated - no matter how intentional and strategic the orchestration.  The manager of a corporation can purposefully pair, hire, and structure a team mindful of skill sets, personalities, and experiences so that there are balance and power to the team.  However, the collection requires more than just this.

This mystery and artform are evident when we look at musicians and rock bands - a collection of talent will usually fall short of passionate, powerful songwriting and performance.  However, with a producer like T-Bone Burnett or Rick Rubin, energy and passion can be fostered and this is our work as teachers.

The process includes some logistical matters but relies most heavily on developing a strong community where each individual is safe with the others and has a sense of pride and purpose in their role.  Creating this atmosphere is amongst our most important work we can be after at the start of each school year.  

There are teachers at our school who spend many hours each week, for a full month, with this at the center of their classroom time.  When they share their stories, most people shift in the seats uncomfortably - it doesn’t seem to them that this is an academically rigorous practice and really feels too close to gimicky and silly.  But this discomfort and skepticism are silenced when the students - traditionally labeled as struggling students - come into the room and with confidence, pride, and clarity, articulate the nature of their classroom discussions.