Meredith Miyake’s Updates

  • Assignment 19

    I played Runescape, one of my favorites from when I was a kid. They’d upgraded the censorship since I was a kid- it’s actually impossible to cuss or use specifically vulgar language without resorting to very creative methods, but people do. It’s not...More

  • Group 10: Remixology White Paper



  • My Personal Ethos Statement



  • Assignment 21: Personal Digital Medial Log



    I use digital technology regularly, but I don’t actually have much of an online presence. I prefer to create and maintain relationships in person, with text messaging as a means of keeping in touch. I track my frien...More

  • Assignment 6- Deontology

    One of my roommates and a good friend came back from Christmas break very quiet. When I asked her about her vacation, she said that she’d spent most of it with her younger cousin, who she hadn’t seen in a few years. It turned out that, somewhere in...More

  • Assignment 3 (Google Ethics)

    Asking Big Brother?

    Google promotes a very positive attitude. They support an altruistic attitude towards the needs of the user, and avoid manipulating favoritism in the order of search results- a very powerful potential influence on the users. In...More

  • Assignment 1

    Twitter War


    I came across a twitter stream shared by a Facebook friend. While waiting during a delayed take-off on Thanksgiving, the author witnessed a woman haranguing the attendants for the delay, citing the importance of her visit to her fami...More