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Will Digital Video enhance teaching and learning

Video learning is becoming one of the most popular ways of learning in higher education. Videos are accessible to everyone through Internet on any devices like desktop, laptops, mobile phones or any smart devices.

 Video learning helps learners to learn at anytime and anywhere, helps visual learners and slow learners as it can be replayed again and again.Enhances Motivation, simulates various senses. The memory retains the visuals for longer time. Retention and reinforcement is more in video learning. Learn complex things through visual. Videos produced by capturing the real field practices enable the learners to get concrete ideas rather than imaging any abstract things. Teacher can also make the teaching more effective. Teacher can bring real video or pictures to class to show real life examples. Through videos inquiry based learning is possible.

In online learning or e-learning the major component is videos. Text alone will not give impact of face to face learning. Through videos and discuss forum, the learner gets the advantages of face to face learning with other online learning features. Videos are used in MOOC framework to deliver the content.

In flipped classroom, videos play an important role among other learning objects. Videos are referred to the learners so that they learn at their convience – anytime, anywhere. In the classroom, the teacher discusses about the content which provides a better and deep understanding, solves problems – through which problem solving skills are promoted among learners and also constructs new knowledge in the classroom. Hence, the learners are not mere consumers in the classrooms they can also construct new knowledge.

Dr. Bill Cope says that Videos  in MOOC and flipped classrooms are only new technology but does not promote new learning. Adding to his point, It is important not to fall into the trap of considering that the use of technology or media is going to be the “silver bullet” that will make students learn or be more motivated. The evidence shows that how videos will enhance in teaching and learning process or activities

The learning activities that students perform with videos are a critical part of the learning outcomes and motivations (Boyle, 1997). That is, simply presenting information in a stimulating digital video format will not automatically nor necessarily lead to in-depth learning (Karppinen, 2005). Rather it is the pedagogy, the well crafted message, the whole approach, and design that are the critical elements, not the media.

It is the instructor’s task “to create a coherent narrative path through the mediated instruction and activity set such that students are aware of the explicit and implicit learning goals and activities in which they participate” (Anderson et al., 2001, p.6).

Effectively Designed Video Can...

  • Grab a student’s attention, spark curiosity, and provide value to the course content.
  • Show real life examples or case studies. Demonstrations focused on contrasting cases help students to achieve expert-like differentiation (Schwartz & Bransford, 1998).
  • Stimulate a focused discussion guided by the instructor.
  • Be an archived resource that students can access anywhere and anytime from first exposure to review and remediation.
  • For certain topics and concepts video can help novice students who have lower prior knowledge process the concept you are teaching more easily (Reiser & Dempsey, 2007).
  • Provide multiple perspectives of the same material rather than relying on a single viewpoint  (Brunvand, 2010).
  • Be reflective tools for learners as they work to integrate and apply new information into their preexisting knowledge by allowing students to comment and respond to the videos they view (Brunvand, 2010).
  • Used to provide instructional material as an alternative to in class live lecture. It makes use of the subject matter and expertise of the instructor while also allowing the instructor to be “a guide on the side” in an active learning environment. Note, this does not suggest digitizing an in-class lecture but redesigning a lecture to serve a new purpose.
  • Be added to a multimedia context such as an online lesson module or classroom presentation.
  • Involve students in creating media as a way to assess their understanding. Student-led media projects encourage collaboration, accountability, creativity, and mastery of ideas and concepts.

I have started using Videos in my classroom. I have recorded few videos that explains the basic concepts about the subject (cloud computing) and uploaded on youtube  and also gave them a worksheet and information about the resources they have to look into. I tell my graduate students to watch the video before coming to the class for that topic.  The response from them was different and the class was very interactive and we were able to discuss many things related to that subject and I found that in the classroom lot of learning took place and they were active learners instead of passive learners.