Francesco Sofo’s Scholar Publications

  • L12 d

    Designer Leadership

    Published by The Learner on May 01, 2013

  • Theorganization bookstore

    Leadership as a Process to Create Organizational Culture and Group Learning

    Published by Organization Studies on March 02, 2013

  • Thelearner thumbnail

    Validation of a Bahasa Indonesian Version of a Thinking Style Inventory

    Published by The Learner on February 28, 2013

  • T09 1

    The Extent to Which Information Technology Contributes to Learning Organizations

    Published by Technology, Knowledge, and Society on April 14, 2009

  • U09 1

    Asking Questions

    Published by World Universities Forum on April 10, 2009

  • M08 2

    Team Emotional Intelligence and Natural Resource Management

    Published by Organization Studies on September 12, 2008

  • D08 2

    Thinking Styles of Australian, Chinese and Italian University Students

    Published by Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations on August 14, 2008

  • I08 1

    Differences of Degree or Differences in Kind? A Comparative Analysis of Thinking Styles

    Published by Interdisciplinary Social Sciences on July 24, 2008

  • U08 3

    Learning Transfer amongst First Year University Students

    Published by World Universities Forum on June 27, 2008

  • L08 1