Doris Chidimma Ekpo’s Updates

Implementation Strategy

Country of focus: Nigeria

Transformative Investment: Community Involvement

When key community players are fully involved in the immunization program, challenges such as inaccessibility, immunity gaps, resistance to accept vaccination, unreliable administrative data and lack of feedback to the community will be overcome as there will be increase in awareness, increase in service demand, increase in reliable information from the community and increase in trust by the community. This, I believe is the best TI needed for my country to achieve 95% RI coverage.

Action Plan/Strategy for Implementation.

  1. Discuss with frontline immunization team/experts in my country WhatsApp group to review, make inputs and way forward.
  2. Plan a meeting with state immunization team to also review and make necessary inputs on the project.
  3. Schedule a meeting with the state commissioner for health and other key stakeholders.
  4. Review the current immunization plan for Nigeria to see if some of the activities are already ongoing and how to strengthen them.
  5. Push for this project to be further reviewed, adopted and implemented at decision-making level through advocacy to the state and federal ministry for health.
  6. Work with important stakeholders at different levels up to the community levels to discuss on the required resources for the successful implementation of the program.


  • Meeting people of such high caliber will require involving strong hands and bodies in the country’s immunization program. Therefore, the need for the involvement of both WHO team and government team to push for this.
My work in the creator project