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Mentor Text Analysis - Colon

The article Academic Praise in Conferences: A Key for Motivating Struggling Writers by Elizabeth Hale discusses the importance of a balance between effort praise and academic praise. Effort praise is looking at a piece of writing and say "Good job! You did you best!" Whereas, academic praise is saying, "I love how you use proper nouns to give meaning and a picture to your writing." Instead of simply focusing on effort with struggling writers, which can make them feel better momentarily, we as teachers need to balance with academic praise, showing them they are competent in aspects of writing.

There were many stylistc and organizational features in the text. It is outlined with an introductory teaser, real introduction, headings, closing, etc. Also within the article is a pause and ponder section, take action section, photocopy of student writing, and tables to help visally show the authors point. These helped the reading teacher stop and think critically how the strategy of academic praise could be implemented in their own classrooms.

I honestly feel pretty terrified to try and write my own article. It is new, and I felt stuck. However, after reading this article I feel more at ease, because Hale talked through a simply concept. I know now it does not need to be ellaborate, because I found this article very helpful even with the simple strategy suggestion. Hale introduced and explained academic praise, gave the reasoning for it, discussed a real life classroom examples, and then gave take aways/summarized her reasoning. After analyzing this article, I have a better concept of the organization pattern my article can utilize. Now to decide on a topic!

Academic Praise in Conferences: A Key for Motivating Struggling Writers by Elizabeth Hale: 

Academic Praise in Conferences Mentor Text