Babayo Yusuf’s Updates


Question1:Should Harmonia conduct an EPI Survey Early Next Year? What are your considerations?

Answer- Yes Harmonia should conduct a survey because it has been 3year PCV vaccines was introduced. To find out the impact and coverage of PCV vaccines, Other vaccines like Measles vaccines that have reached 75% DPT3 80% shoud be consider inorder to make comparism between the last coverage survey result .

Question2: The steering committee includes representatives from the national Ministry of Health, National Statistics Office, WHO, UNICEF, and a donor. Given what you have already learned about Harmonia, what do you think will be their primary question of interest for the survey (estimation, comparison, or classification)? Why?

Answer: The primary question of interest is the PCV3 coverage, immunization card retention as an evidence of been vaccinated, age range(12 to 23 month) because according to immunization schedule children of 0 to 11 month are suppose to complete their immunization, a question on the occurance of measles should be put in to consideration because during the last survey only 75% of the target population were reached, of which even if it is 100% , there will 15% that will not seroconvert.

Question 3:  Who will comprise the target population and why?

Answer: The Target population will be 12 to 24 month because we expecting these group of children to have finished their immunization particularly DPT3 and PCV3