Axell Caceres’s Updates

Week 4 Update

Analyze is a very important step in the ACE process of communication. The Analyze step is used to gather all of your information before beginning your proposal. It is meant for you to be able to plan out your proposal in every aspect you may need.

Lets say i was preparing a message for students to attend a Career Fair event that includes food, drinks, tips & a chance to meet potential employers. My approach to this would be to follow the steps of the Analyze process. First i would begin with purpouse. What is the Purpouse of this message ? The purpouse of this message is to allow students to further they're experience and knowledge in the career world. When it comes to Context, This proposal is unsolicited which means i am initiating it. I must show students in my message that this event is a need for them and they will benefit greatly by attending. I also must think of the content. I am givving them all of the benefits and reasons why they should attend. However, i must be ready for any and all potential objections. If they believe that there are not enough employers for the amount of students that will be there, I must stress the fact that this is an oppourtunity to practice real life skills and learn what areas of interviewing they lack or dont lack in. Audience is also another important factor to think about because you have to make you're message is made specifically for the students. That way the students will be more compelled to attend because they know its made for them and them only.


  • Joshua Williams