Andrew Cosenza Acosenza’s Updates

Andrew Cosenza — Week 5 Update

After analyzing the article, Women at Work And Business Leadership Effectiveness, I feel as though the leadership qualities of women in business are affected tremendously by their other responisibilies - considering there is simply not enough time during the weekend to make up for five full workdays of time lost. Businesses are able to gain profit, as well as benefit from being aware of strenuous employee home life occurrences. It has been stated that women’s decision to care for their family and other domestic responsibilities could be the distinct reasoning behind why there are not as many women in senior leadership positions. The conventional roles of women, within the workforce as well as out of the workforce, exhibit that most women still engage and complete a majority of the domestic work - while still balancing a full-time job. It was stated that businesses can avoid losing a talented employee by providing other options that allow for a balance of both worlds. This consists of investing in their employee’s well-being in either work from home arrangements and or flexible schedules. This type of leadership benefits small groups considering it allows them to build business relationships that rely on trust and respect. The ethical leaders who operate with the traits of honesty and integrity are easier to follow and have a business relationship with.

The image pasted above is an accurate depiction of how many women are constantly balancing two different lives. One being the profession, workforce lifestyle and the other being the domestic, parenting lifestyle. By jobs showing their compassion towards women, they are likely to perform better within the work enviroment, rather than losing a valuable employee. 

Media embedded February 21, 2022

This video pasted above aligns with the information we learned throughout week 5. It discusses how it is a leader's responsiblity to create a safe, trusting, and compassionate environment. Therefore, they can encourage their team members to perform to the best of their ability.