The Image’s Updates

Keynote Session: Marie Sierra (Eleventh International Conference on The Image)

The Imaginary When Invisible

Marie Sierra, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Art and Design, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Professor Marie Sierra is the deputy dean at UNSW Sydney, Faculty of Art and Design. She researches nature as a social construct and addresses these concerns as a practicing artist and as an arts writer. Examining issues around the consumption of both goods and natural resources such as water, she has held numerous solo and group exhibitions within Australia and overseas. She has been the head of two of Australia’s leading art and design schools (University of New South Wales and University of Tasmania), and has been awarded three Australia Research Council Grants, an Australian Office of Learning and Teaching grant, and five Australia Council Grants.

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  • Tara Michelle Winters
  • Suzanne Crowley
  • Emma Robertson