Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

essential peer review #4

Ethnicity is one of the major obstacle that occupies some terrains of learning environments. Racism in schools is one of the major ethnic obstacles to learning which obstruct a lot of learning processes among learners.It is defined by The Human Rights Commission as follows: “Racism can take many forms, such as jokes or comments that cause offence or hurt, sometimes unintentionally; name-calling or verbal abuse; harassment or intimidation, or commentary in the media or online that inflames hostility towards certain groups. At its most serious, racism can result in acts of physical abuse and violence. Racism can directly or indirectly exclude people from accessing services or participating in employment, education, sport and social activities. It can also occur at a systemic or institutional level through policies, conditions or practices that disadvantage certain groups. It often manifests through unconscious bias or prejudice. On a structural level, racism serves to perpetuate inequalities in access to power, resources and opportunities across racial and ethnic groups. The belief that a particular race or ethnicity is inferior or superior to others is sometimes used to justify such inequalities.

Ethnicity as part of racism affects and provided a solution: “students from racially, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse families and communities of lower socioeconomic status. If educators act on the knowledge research offers, we can realize the educational excellence we desire for all children” (Saravia-Shore). However,the Australian Human Rights Commission, National Anti-Racism Strategy, July 2012, Page 4 describes the view in racist as “attitudes and beliefs are misconceptions about people based on perceived racial lines and are often founded on the fear of difference, including differences in customs, values, religion, physical appearance and ways of living and viewing the world.”

Quite right,there are solutions for schools or teachers to engage learners from different towards providing conducive atmosphere for learning through which all learners will understand and live amicably.One of themajors to be taken to address racism is ”A student, a parent, a staff member, or any member of the school or the community can make a complaint about racism.Australian Human Rights” (Commission). This will a major to openly fight or counter racism for effective learning in schools. The doors should be always left open for everyone to be warmly welcome. Such kind of complain should be carefully and immediately addressed for more confidence in learners.

However,creating awareness on the appropriate offices handling complaints in schools will help in addresssing the racism issues through “Newsletters, parent and student meetings, assemblies, posters and social media may be used” ( Australian Rights Commission). With the number of social media activities as almost everyone is engaged with it,it seems easy for awareness to be created and information to be disseminated. Quickly,information or notice will be passed through to the right or appropriate targeted people audiences.

Teachers to understand and know of the impacts of racism towards learning and have knowledge of how to handle situations in classes.
The Rights Commission further suggests that “All teachers should model respectful behaviour and inclusive practices, carefully manage classroom discussions and student behaviour and explicitly teach about racism and how to deal with it through teaching and learning activities.”

Finally,as all concerned parties are engaged through effective means of communication,racism and ethnicity will be reduced to rubble or wiped out of learning environment.

  • Ilyes Haidara