Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

The Multimodal Use of Podcasts in English Curriculum

Incorporating podcasts in an English class as a curriculum resource  connects audio and oral meanings to reading and writing. This aligns with the dimensions of multimodal literacies pedagogy in several ways.

1. **Multimodal Engagement:** Podcasts engage students through multiple modes – spoken word, music, and sound effects. This approach recognizes that communication is not solely text-based but involves various sensory elements, fostering a deeper understanding of meaning.

2. **Multimodal Analysis:** Listening to podcasts requires students to analyze and understand spoken word, music, and sound effects. This aligns with the concept of multimodal analysis, emphasizing the observation and analysis of different modes present in a text without making premature judgments.

3. **Contextualization:** Podcasts bring context into consideration. The meaning isn't solely derived from the text; it also involves the context in which the spoken words, music, and sound effects are presented. This aligns with the idea that meanings are situated and influenced by the context in which they occur.

4. **Diverse Literacies:** The use of podcasts extends traditional notions of literacy by incorporating auditory and oral elements. Students are not only reading and writing but also critically engaging with spoken language, music, and soundscapes, reflecting a broader shift towards diverse literacies.

5. **Creativity and Expression:** Podcasts allow for creative expression beyond traditional writing. Students can experiment with different modes of communication, such as oral expression, tone, and pacing, showcasing a broader range of creative and communicative skills.

In summary, integrating podcasts into an English class exemplifies multimodal literacies pedagogy by embracing diverse modes of communication, encouraging analysis beyond traditional text, considering context, and fostering creativity and expression. This approach aligns with the evolving landscape of communication and literacy in the digital age.