Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

multimodal literacy

Sign language serves as a communication function for persons with hearing impairments.
Mastering sign language, as well as verbal, is important for the formation of the personality of the deaf student, his mental development and socialization.
By teaching sign language to deaf people along with verbal language, the educational institution prepares the student for life in two societies: the world of hearing people with verbal language and the macro-society of deaf people with sign language, as well as for their constructive interaction.
Lessons in sign language were introduced along with corrective lessons on the development of sign language from grade VI: by this age, students have the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct a comparative verbal-sign linguistic analysis.
The purpose of the subject "Sign language" is the formation of multilingual consciousness in deaf students; the study by deaf students of the laws of sign language using comparative linguistic analysis
