Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Media and information Literacy on the Multimodal context UPDATE#1

In the actual context, it´s more than important to think in lifelong learning basead on multimodal literacies, considering the digital as a place where information and media competencies are crucial to people recognize, learn and participate in society.

This topic referes to skills that we must develop to understand how the world works, specially on internet, that converge different dimensions involved by synesthesia. So, oral, written, visual, spatial, tacticle, gestural and áudio may be a complex on communication and learning process wich demands new paths to digital been.

On communication sciences we have relevant theories that help us understand this universe of media meaning. Saussure and Pierce, with different approches about semiotic studies for example, encourge to go deep on the symbols that allow us on the construction of reality in our minds.

An intersting approche can be found at United Nations site with media literacies studies and pedagogical strategies and It is about social practices and relationships, about knowledge, language and culture: “Those who use literacy take it for granted – but those who cannot use it are excluded from much communication in today’s world. Indeed, it is the excluded who can best appreciate the notion of “literacy as freedom”.

What is Media Literacy? A repertoire of competencies that enable students to understand how the media operate, how they construct meaning, how they can be used, and how to evaluate the information they present.

Media and Information Literacy… • Involves teaching THROUGH and ABOUT the media • Recognizes the importance of TEXT and CONTEXT • Includes programs that are THEMATIC, and/or GENREbased including such topics as: -Selling Images and Values: Advertising -Television and Film -Popular Music -New(er) Technologies -Media “Languages” -Ideology and Representation –Audience.

To see more about this approche, I share with all this link that can help:

T Koltay. The media and the literacies: Media literacy, information literacy, digital literacy. Media, culture & society, 2011

  • Timur Merekeyev