Medical Education’s Updates

How to Write in Scholar

Learning Intention: To understand the phases of draft, feedback, revision and publication in Creator in Scholar.

In Scholar, you go through the following writing phases:

1. Draft: This is where you write the first draft of your work.

2. Feedback: You will then be asked to give feedback on works that your peers have written.

3. Revision: Next, you will receive feedback from your peers on your work. This feedback will help you to improve your work when you rewrite it.

4. Publication: Finally, your teacher will review your work and may decide to publish it to your profile page in Community. Once published, other members of your class community will be able to read and comment on your work.

Now, go to Creator. Do not create a new work - make sure you write in the blank work that has been created for the class project. If you open the work from the link in your Notifications, you will be sure to be in the right work. Have a look around:

  • Mouse over the items in the toolbar to see the different things you can do.
  • Open About This Work. In the Info tab, change the title of your work to the title of what you will be writing about. You can also include a subtitle if you wish.
  • Open Feedback. Have a look at the review criteria in the Rubric - this is how the quality of your text will be measured.

You can view some short videos on how to use the Scholar workspace. These include:

Comment: Do you have any questions about how Scholar works? Make a comment in this update. If you think you have an answer to another student’s question, please answer it - be sure to name the student you are replying to in your comment by starting with @Name.