May 2016 Educational Theory Peer Reviewed Projects’s Updates

Your Task - Educational Theory

Take one of the concepts introduced in this course. Or explore a related concept of your own choosing that is relevant to the course themes. Define the concept referring to the theoretical and research literature, and provide examples of this concept at work in pedagogical practice.

A theory work should be 2000 words or more in length. Ideally it should include media such as images, diagrams, tables, embedded videos, web links and other digital media. Be sure to source all material that is quoted or otherwise used. Each work must have references ‘element’ or section, including references to at least 5 scholarly articles or books, plus any other necessary or relevant references, including to websites and other media.

Projects in Scholar start on the 1st of each month; draft works are due on the 15th of the month; peer reviews are due 22nd of the month, and revised works are due on 28th of the month. If you miss the start date of 1st of the month, you have to wait until the next month to do the work.

For tutorials on how to participate in a peer reviewed project in Scholar, see section 3 in the Help area in the top right of the screen.

  • Rebeca Pares