Letramentos’s Updates

New learners, old teachers and materials

It was an interesing experience to read "Life in schools". The great paradigms (didactic, authentic and transformative) closely correspond to another division I constantly work (tradicional/modern, critical, post-critical). In this sense, I think that the presentation of authentic paradigm is based mainly at a phenomenological perspective more than a critical one. Here in Brazil, critical perspective was very strog, because of Paulo Freire's work. I think that the presentation of authentic paradigm will be a little different if it includes critical view.

But the most interesting to me was the fact that all the explanation allways includes the important role of textboks and materials (my reseach subject). And it is a challenge to think about how to dispose materials to learn and teach in a transformative paradigm and how to reorganise content and sillabus in this context.

"As much as they develop disciplinary or content knowledge, they also develop knowledge about their knowledge making, and learning about how they learn." I clearly understant the flow of colaborative learning proposed on the second part of the sentence - an it reminds me MOOC a lot -, but I question myself about the first part. There are basic contents  in alphabetic literacy that we can't left out, specially in Brazil. And we must combine it in flexible ranges of contents and material in mainly thematic projects of learning that develops also these basic skills. I call it "protypes of learning". This is my main interest at the moment.

Also how to prepare teacher to this kind of work is not a minor problem nowadays in Brazil. How they can face students like the baby showed at this movie?


  • Helena Camargo
  • Parmênio C. Citó
  • Gabriela Grande
  • Fabrício Ono
  • Livia Fortes
  • Livia Fortes
  • Paulo Rogério