Letramentos’s Updates

What is the Real Classroom?

Hi everyone! So here goes my account: I must say that it is really hard to look for examples of ideas of Trangressive Education in my local context, considering the whole eight dimensions separately. On the other hand, it is quite possible to think of situations where some of the dimensions may be identified as present and happening at the same time. For example, in my experience of teaching pre-service English teachers, I can recognize three of those eight dimensions: architectonic, discursive and socio-cultural. For example, our classes do not happen exactly in the classroom for this space is too small compared to other ones, either real or virtual. I believe that time surpasses the classroom space, so my classes take the whole period before the following meeting and participants have to take action doing their readings, discussing virtually on topics given and preparing themselves for the next meeting. In fact, my real classroom is on Facebook where we have a secret group where we share ideas, materials and discuss topics. Real classroom is just one moment during all this sharing that happens. At the same time as they are interacting in and out of classroom space, they are producing meaning by sharing opinions, agreeing or disagreeing with each other, and consequently building something together. Depending on the group and on the individual interests of each student in the groups some dimensions are more emphasized than others, some appear more vividly and others do not appear at all. I have a point to ponder: what strikes me when talking about new forms of learning is the students’ reactions to the possibility of using virtual spaces for learning. It seems to me that they consider using virtual tools for work or fun interactions but never for interacting viewing education. It takes time to convince them that they can use virtual tools to learn and that they can use the same tools with their own students. Some of them really change their views on teaching and learning. Unfortunately, there are some students and even groups that never seem to grasp this idea.

  • Paulo Rogério
  • Vanderlei Zacchi
  • Leina Jucá
  • Livia Fortes