Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

7. Putting Quantitative Psychology Research to Work: Classifying English Language Learners (Joe Robinson-Cimpian)

Media embedded April 14, 2018
Media embedded April 14, 2018
Media embedded April 14, 2018
Media embedded April 14, 2018

Comment: What are the institutional uses to which quantitative psychology can be put? What do you consider to be its strengths and limitations?

Make an Update: Describe an applicaton of the quantitiative methods of educational psychology. This could be for broad institutioinal analysis, or it could be a description and analysis of tests and test results in the specialist area of psychometrics. What are the benefits and limitations of such work?

  • Kaitlin Johnson
  • Gamolnaree Laikram
  • Yakubu Akogu
  • Samiel Werede
  • Samiel Werede
  • Samiel Werede
  • Danelle Erasmus
  • Tinky Upadhyaya
  • Thaliya Thahseen U Thaliya
  • Noor Ul Ain Ain
  • Tinky Upadhyaya
  • Maria Elmira Daguio
  • Tinky Upadhyaya
  • Cyrene Joy Sandig