Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

Essential Peer Reviewed Update #1 - Adinda Putri


I​ think Skinner's idea of free will is a key concept that is needed to be understood to study the behaviorism approach. Free will exist not merely come from an internal individual, but build up by historical events into assumptions. That's why reinforcement by reward and punishment is relevant for a learning process and significant for a human to develop based on this approach.

T​eachers have a big role to design the reinforcement itself, by designing how the learning process will go through, what reward they could give to trigger student motivation to learn, and what kind of punishment for bad consequences so that students are discouraged to do bad things.

IQ tests were established for a benevolent thing, that is what Stephen Jay said in the video clip. We know a person's mental age and intellectual capacity whether it is normal or retard by detection of the IQ test. It is really helpful to help diagnose mental illnesses, such as autism. But, historically, for the sake of social policy in America, IQ tests were used as propaganda to segregate between races. This is what happens in the history of America between white and black people. IQ tests were used by the army to defend racial segregation and limited access of blacks to higher education.

Update of the Concept of behaviorism

One key concept that I would like to explain is operant conditioning, B.F. Skinner. A change of behavior could happen as a consequence of a certain conditioning response that is being repeated. What makes this concept novel is the focus on the behavior change as an object of observation, and also the causes and consequences of an action. For example, if we want a student to have an on-time character, so it must be triggered by a reward if they succeed to come on time to the school.

  • Cyrene Joy Sandig