Indonesia Education Abroad’s Updates

Week 1


• Becoming World Wise - Chapters 1 & 2
• Indonesia Library Resource Guide
• BBC News: Indonesia Country Profile

Globally Competent Teachers
Sociology of Education - Chapter 5, pg. 58
Learning More about Indonesia


Assignments (Due by Sunday, June 3rd at 11:55pm):

• Respond:

  • What is global competency?
  • Why is it important for teachers to train globally competent students?

• Photo and Biography for Host Families 

We will need a brief biography about you and one photo. We will compile these photos and bios to share with your host families and host schools. To submit, use the "Shares" feature on the course homepage, and click "Share with Admin."

• Global Education Pretest

Please complete the following pretest to gauge your knowledge of global education. You are not expected to know the answers to all of these questions now. Course readings and assignments will guide you on these topics. To submit, use the "Shares" feature on the course homepage, and click "Share with Admin." 

Global Education Pretest


  • Jacqueline Beutell
  • Eleanor Wiley
  • Rebecca Panitch
  • Mackenzie Dankle
  • Jacqueline Beutell