FA16 Immunization Module’s Updates

Contraindications to vaccination

Almost all people should be vaccinated to stop the spread of certain preventable diseases. However, there are some people, who for medical reasons, should not receive certain vaccinations. The most common reason why a person should not receive a vaccination is if they had a severe allergic reaction to a previous vaccination (same type of vaccine) or component to a vaccine. Some people suffer anaphylactic reactions to vaccines and should not receive another vaccination of the same type of vaccine. However, these severe reactions are very rare. Severe reactions like anaphylaxis occur around 1 in a million doses given. 

Another contraindication to vaccination is severe immunodeficiency. People who suffer from severe immunodeficiency have a weak immune system that is easily susceptible to infection. Some vaccinations use live, but weakened viruses. Some of these vaccinations that use a live virus include MMR, varicella, and rotavirus. These vaccines use a virus that is still able to replicate within the person receiving the vaccine. A person with severe immunodeficiency has an immune system that cannot easily fight off the weakened virus. In this case the risks outweigh the benefits for vaccination.  

For a list of common vaccinations and their contraindications and precautions visit http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/admin/contraindications-adults.html

  • Lochan Bellamkonda
  • Omar Calderon