FA16 Immunization Module’s Updates

Technology as a barrier to vaccination.

American society has reached a point where technology has become very accessible to a significant portion of the population. Various forms of technology haver interwoven themselves within almost every aspect of our lives. Our watches are able to call our friends and cell phones have allowed us to put almost an unlimited amount of information in our pockets. I believe such access to technology has become a barrier to vaccination. In the past, it was difficult for people to come into contact with information from another professional’s field and, as a result, they were more dependent on the opinion of other professionals regarding topics of which they were unfamiliar. Without websites such as WebMD, patients had a more difficult time learning about medical issues. It is great that the general population can be more educated about medicine (and really any topic). However, in the case of vaccines this availability of information has led people to have ideas that are not validated by science. According to Dr. Tapping’s lecture, immunization¸ there has never been on death that was proven to be associated with vaccines. Despite this, all a patient has to do is search “Death by vaccine” to see that the website deathbyvaccination.com is the first website to appear. Furthermore, the website Naturalnews.com contains an article titled, “Ten Reasons why you Shouldn’t Vaccinate your Children.” The article contains poor arguments, but someone who is not trained in analytical thinking or is genuinely concerned about their child’s health may be persuaded not to vaccinate their kid. Due to technology’s presence in our lives, public outreach and education is a growing challenge that must be faced in order to provide the general population the peace of mind in order to vaccinate their kids- and to understand that it benefits the entire community.

  • Robbie George
  • Phu Huynh
  • Pauline Yasmeh
  • Emily Acton
  • Jason Phung
  • Callum Dewar