Activity Stream

  • Micheal Micheal

    Micheal Micheal joined the community.

    Added on June 28, 2018

  • Sari Mutia Timur

    Sari Mutia Timur joined the community.

    Added on February 15, 2018

  • Reda Sadki Engineer Inc Community

    Reda Sadki commented on 1. Why this Webkit?

    That sounds really cool. Is the picture from an Engineering, Inc. project?

  • Engineer Inc Community

    Matthew J. Traum posted an update …

    1. Why this Webkit?

    Learning Goal: To understand DIT in Scholar.

    Welcome to STEM: Learning in the Making, a DIT guide for designing, documenting, sharing, reflecting on and showcasing your STEM projects

    You've probably heard of DIY, or do-it-yourself, where instead...More

  • Matthew J. Matthew J. Engineer Inc Community

    Matthew J. Matthew J. edited community profile information.

    Edited on July 28, 2016

  • Reda Sadki

    Reda Sadki joined the community.

    Added on July 28, 2016

  • Matthew J. Traum Engineer Inc Community

    Matthew J. Traum changed the profile image .

    Changed on July 28, 2016

  • Matthew J. Traum Engineer Inc Community

    Matthew J. Traum created the community .

    Created at July 28, 2016