e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

eLearning Programs in Tasmania. The flipped classroom and ubiquitous learning

As I have just started working with groups of teachers accross the state of Tasmania, Australia it has become apparent that ubiquitous learning is starting to become very popular on this small island. The Department of Education Tasmania offers a whole series of eLearning opportunities through their 'Gifted Online' programs and 'Extension Curriculum Online' programs. There are 18 teachers across the state that work with hundreds of students in classrooms all over Tasmania purely as an 'Online Delivery Teacher'. The programs are offered from Grade 2-Grade 10 and students will access these programs during class time at school and at home, or anywhere with internet access. This is different to our eSchool. eSchool is a school like anyother but purely providing distance educaiton to students accross Tasmania that can not physcially attend a bricks and mortar school. The flexible nature of eSchool also allows that flow of learning at anytime and anywhere.

  • Robert R Daniel
  • Mark James Sivills