e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Just saying hello

Hello from Virginia, where it is so muggy you can actually visually see the humidity. I have just started my summer 'vacation' in which I try to spend at least some time as a learner, as I am a instructor the rest of the year. I think the experience of being on the other side of the classroom helps me to be more aware of the challenges that students face.

During a regular semester I teach at least one large (200-300 student) class, as well as some smaller courses (15-20) students. Over the course of my years teaching I have adapted and altered how I teach to try and provide an inclusive learning environment for the very diverse student population that I have. I started as a pretty traditional didactic lecturer and have moved to a more 'guide on the side' format. I have been using a flipped classroom format in most courses for the last few years. At first it was a challenge to get student's to be more active participants in their learning and while some still settle for a more passive role, most seem to find the learning environment to be more engaging.

Not one to just sit back and relax, I want to expand my knowledge of the learning environment which is why I enrolled in this course. As an ecologist who could resist a course called e-learning ecologies? I have never used Scholar before so it will definitely be a learning experience. I wonder if this is how freshman feel when they are first introduced to Blackboard (our LMS)??

  • Wenche Rolandsen