e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Chatbots in the Future of Education

Media embedded October 1, 2016

 Chatbot is an artificial intelligence that can interact with human beings through chatting interphase. It already has been used in the business world, specifically in customer service. Recently, both Microsoft and Facebook think that it will “revolutionize” computer technology. It is another technology that we might need to pay attention to as it has a promising future in the education world.

There has been a projection that chatbot technology will change how we access information in this century as our ability to create better and faster processing artificial intelligence (AI.) The new generation of AI will be able to learn from our knowledge based system and our collaborative intelligence, created by different networks of communities of learners through different technological platforms.

We might be able to use this technology in education in different ways:

  1. Access knowledge systems
  2. Package the knowledge to answer our specific challenges
  3. Solve some of our problems
  4. Provide real-time feedbacks or personalize learning
  5. Provide consultancy
  6. Project possible consequences of our decisions
  7. Create knowledge we need
Media embedded October 1, 2016

There is a possibility that the sophistication of chatbots will make a significant alteration to our brain functions and have a major impact in education, which is much the same way that the digital technology has. In the past, our short-term and long-term memories were used on a daily basis. Learning used to mean memorizing facts and procedures. As we know that it is no longer the case in this century as we are now focussing more on the information literacy and knowledge making. It is highly likely that chatbots will cause another big leap in this century.

This is indeed another futuristic technology that we need to keep a watchful eye on. I am interested to see how it might have an impact in how our brain works and how it might alter our education in the future. Perhaps the only thing left for the human’s brain to do is to evaluate or make an ethical decision and that might be where our education should be.








