e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Assessment for Learning in Information Literacy Age

The 21st century curriculum is important for this century because it addresses knowledge, development of characteristic traits, and skills of the 21st century. Research skills are essential to the teaching and learning of this century, where information is very readily available for students to access or consume through different technological tools such as a laptop or a mobile device. It is an important skill for the students to know what they can do with the information. Google doc is a great tool to use to teach students about responsible and ethical use of information. Technology makes it possible for the assessment for learning to take place.

Media embedded September 29, 2016

Google Document is a great tool to use in a research project. The benefit of Google Doc is the collaboration feature that we love. However, there are other tools that enable students effectively access information and to use information in an ethical manner.

  1. Collaboration tool-- it is an important feature that allows students to peer assess as well as for the teachers to formatively assess the project. Overtime, students can make necessary changes as recommended by their peers as well as the teacher before submitting the project in for a summative assessment.
  2. Research Tool-- this helps students access information and incorporate that into the document with reference to the source, which makes it easy to cite the sources later. 
    Media embedded September 29, 2016
  3. ProWritingAid-- this is an add-on plagiarism checker to help students check if they use information responsibly and ethically. It can also help student assess their own writing and give feedbacks for the students to improve their writing. 
    Media embedded September 29, 2016


Information literacy is an important part of education in this century. Teachers need to have the right tools to facilitate self-assesment, peer assessment, and formative assessment from the teachers. These assessments for learning are the most helpful to the learner.







  • Samaa Haniya