e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Future of Augmented Reality in Education

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology to "superimpose" another layer of reality on the world we see. An example of AR that is world famous today is Pokemon Go. Software developers have visualized the impact of AR in education and how the teachers might be able to use it in the classroom. Do the teachers have enough resources to facilitate ubiquitous learning? Will AR be the future of online learning that allows ubiquitous learning exciting and engaging for learners?

Media embedded September 27, 2016

There have been many attempts to use virtual learning in education, such as in Second Life, but the technology was exciting for a while and eventually lost its popularity both in the consumer and education world. Currently, AR is gaining its popularity in the consumer world and I feel it will gradually make its way into the education world. Have we learned enough to make AR successful in the future of teaching and learning? The mobile technology has already been developed to the point where ubiquitous learning is a possible future. Schools around the world have been using ISTE's framework to align their technology curriculum to the need of the 21st century. However, that framework has not changed since 2007. However, SAMR model, created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, has begun to gain its ground among the schools around the world. This model provides a taxonomy for guide technology use in the classroom.

There is a relationship between online learning pedagogy and tech integration framework, in part because online learning depends on the use of technology. I feel that AR is certainly the future of education and could possible be the essential part in making ubiquitous learning exciting and engaging for learners. My prediction is that it will not stay popular for long as it will be replaced with a better, newer, and more exciting product. The most important thing is that we keep improving our educational framework or learning pedagogy that is appropriate for the century.




