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Ubiquitous Learning - Free Online Courses

Studying online courses facilitates interaction with both peers and educators allows educators and students to take the acquisition of both knowledge and skill to a deeper level of understanding and proficiency. I am excited by the recent boom of free online course sites that make it possible for anyone with enough passion and interest to either study a programme in an area of interest, or create a course in an area they specialise in to share their knowledge with the world. I define a free online course site as a website that offers free educational programs that delivers all of its content through technological tools. Online courses break down the constraints of time and space found in a traditional learning environment.

There are a plethora of free online course sites available for free allowing students to:

1) choose to acquire knowledge in a variety of subject areas,

2) interact and engage with other students who are also completing the course

3) no longer be constrained by the cost of education or availability during certain time periods since learning can occur at any time of the week.

I believe learning online through collaboration with peers allows students to gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of course content. Means, Toyama, Murphy, Bakia, & Jones, (2009) found those that spent even a partial amount of course time learning online to perform better than those studying face-to-face. Online learning has shown to be more effective in ensuring students apply knowledge and engage in critical reflection and is more conducive to expanded learning times (Seufert, Lechner, & Stanoevska, 2002; Means et al, 2009).

This website provides links to 50 free online course sites that provide courses in a large variety of subject areas.

  • Keri Lamle
  • Mohammad Shahalizade