e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Inquiry Learning

Inquiry learning is a way of acquiring knowledge through the research process. Investigative learning involves one of two things: either students ask their own questions or answer questions asked by the teacher. Regardless of the source of the question, investigative learning requires students to play a key role in answering the question asked. This can be achieved through the design and implementation of standardized experiments, measurements, observations, construction and testing of stereoscopic models.

The survey created opportunities for teachers to understand how students think. Teachers can use their breakthroughs to embody appropriate learning conditions and facilitate students' access to knowledge. Among the most prominent methods that teachers can use when they resort to investigation:


Find out how to secure support.

Find out which hints should be given and for which particular student.

Find out what not to tell the student (not giving the answer).

Know how to interpret students' actions while facing challenges and how to design meaningful teaching situations that take actions into account.

Learn how to help students collaborate to solve problems together.

Know the cases in which observations, hypotheses and experiments are meaningful.

Cognitive how to use mistakes committed constructively.

Know how to guide students so that giving them the possibility to select topics and means to carry out their research and activities does not lead to a loss of control of the class.
